Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lynchburg 10 miler 2014

This was my second time running the Lynchburg 10 miler. It's a really fun race, but lots of hills! My mom ran the 4 miler, and we had a fun running weekend. I'm finally getting around to posting the pictures!
Running weekend with my mom and best friend
Official time: 1:33:44

Monday, September 15, 2014

You know you're a runner if...

Runners are a special breed. Here are some ways you can identify them.
You know you're a runner if:
  • 95% of your laundry consists of running clothes.
  • You spend more on races than groceries some weeks.
  • You peel blisters off your feet so you can run again the next day.
  • You've rolled out your muscles so you can run again the next day.
  • When you get a pedicure, you have to ask them not to file down your calluses. (You need them to protect you feet!)
  • You get visible streaks of salt on your body after a run.
  • You discover you can get chafed almost anywhere...
  • Therefore you are intimately familiar with Body Glide and/or Vaseline.
  • You plan your entire weekend around your long runs.
  • You look forward to what you're going to eat after a run.
  • You tell your friends how far you ran like it's no big deal (even though it's a really big deal).
  • Your quads have been so sore you can't go down stairs or sit down on the toilet.
  • "Bathroom issues" are your worst fear during a long run.
  • An ice bath actually sounds like a good idea.
  • On a non-running day, you don't even bother to take a shower.
  • When your Garmin dies in the middle of a run, it's a tragedy.
  • You've done mental math to calculate your pace and projected finish time.
  • You keep spare running clothes in your car- just in case.
Any other good ones I'm missing?