Twenty random facts about yourself that may surprise people. Bc why not?
1. Do you make your bed everyday?
Not every day, probably a couple times a week. Sometimes when I'm feeling really organized, I make my bed every day for a short while.
2. What's your favorite dream job?
Still trying to find it! Something outside maybe, or teaching.
3. If you could, would you go back to school?
No way. I'm over the stress and I'd rather get paid for hard work!
4. Can you parallel park?
Yes, I'm actually pretty good. I'm better at parallel parking than regular parking.
5. Name a job you had which people would be shocked to hear you had.
My first job was editing and publishing a website for a council on homelessness.
6. Do you think aliens are real?
No. But I think spirits are real.
7. Can you drive a stick shift?
No. My dad tried to teach me when I was 16 and I stalled the car out like 20 times.
8. Guilty pleasures?
Keeping up with the Kardashians. I secretly love it, but I hate that I do.
10. Favorite color?
Used to be purple, then yellow. Now I think it's blue.
11. Things that drive you crazy?
People moving too slowly, angled parking spots so you can't pull through, chaos and disorganization.
Things at work that annoy me: when there's not a trash bag in the can, when there are no pull-ups or wipes and I need to help change a patient, when people don't put the patient sheets back in the right place!
12. Fears?
Rejection. Failure. Being alone.
13. Favorite tv show?
There's only a few that I really love. Alias, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Wire, Prison Break, and Veronica Mars.
14. Do you talk to yourself?
15. Do you like doing puzzles?
Not usually, but every once in awhile I get in the mood to do one.
16. Favorite music?
Taylor Swift is my favorite. And country.
17. Tea or coffee?
Coffee. My Starbucks order is an iced caramel latte half-sweet with soy milk.
18. First thing you remembered wanting to be when you were growing up?
A teacher. Or a mom.
19. Social Butterfly or Introvert?
I'm an introvert, but I every now and then I enjoy being a social butterfly. It has to be the right situation though for that side of me to come out!
20. If nothing held you back like family, money, etc., then what would you be doing right now?
Traveling the world or hiking the Appalachian Trail.