Last semester, I wrote a blog post about how I enjoyed hearing the piano music from my upstairs neighbor. It was so nice and peaceful and refreshing to hear such beautiful sounds emanate from my ceiling each afternoon. Well, apparently the piano player has moved out and been replaced by the Deep Sleeper and the Heel Clonker. (They might be one and the same; I haven’t figured that out yet.) Mr. Deep Sleeper has some kind of job where he has to wake up around 5:30 each morning. I know this because I hear his alarm go off each morning. He, however, obviously does not hear it or wake up because his alarm beeps continually for about 20 to 30 minutes. After a while “do-da-do-da-dos” mix in with the “beep-beep-beeps” and that’s when he finally, finally wakes up, turns off his alarm, and lets me get back to sleep.
The Heel Clonker doesn’t realize that she’d save her feet a lot of pain (and her neighbors a lot of irritation) if she just waited to put on her shoes until she’s ready to leave the apartment. You’d think it would be quicker to move around the house in the morning without a pair of heels on. Especially because she seems to need to make a lot of trips across the apartment and back again. She’s either constantly going back and forth from the kitchen to her bedroom or she’s practicing for the runway. Either way, it’s quite annoying for those of us who live one story down.

I totally understand that. I can hear my neighbors getting it on about 3-4 times a week. It's really disturbing. No sound is spared. Actually one night last week I woke up because I could hear my neighbor snoring through the wall. Yea, I can hear everything.