Last week my roomies and I went to the Virginia Musuem of Fine Arts here in Richmond to see the Picasso exhibit. It's a limited time special exhibition of pieces from the Musée National Picasso, Paris. VMFA is the only East Coast venue for the exhibition’s seven-city international tour. With such a unique opportunity to see some of Picasso's artwork, we had to go!
I loved the way the exhibit was set up. We got to walk through different rooms, and each room had artwork from a different period of Picasso's life. It was interesting to see how his art progressed and changed from one period to another. Some of it I liked and some of it I didn't. One of my favorite paintings by Picasso is to the left. It's a picture of Picasso's wife, Olga. I love the quiet simplicity of this one, and it's quite a contrast to his brightly colored abstract works of art.
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