Next I tackled the fridge and counters. The fridge definitely needed a good cleaning. I took all the food out, cleaned the shelves, then removed the drawers at the bottom and cleaned those out. I loaded the dishwasher and wiped down all the counters. I dusted the baseboards. I took out the trash and recycling. I even cleaned the trash cans because they were looking pretty gross.
Next was the living room, which was the easiest room. I put away anything that was left out on the coffee table, then I gathered all the blankets that were strewn about and folded them. I reorganized my room and vacuumed in there as well. I did a load of laundry while I was cleaning, too. Lastly, I got started on the bathroom. I cleaned the toilet, the sink, and the bathroom counters, but I decided to leave the bathroom floor and tub for another day.
I had plenty of time later in the afternoon to get my run in. The weather cooperated and it was really nice out during my run. When I got back, I took a nice long shower and made dinner. Then I packed for Spring Break! I love packing. My suitcase is all ready to go, except for a few last-minute things.
This evening I got to just relax. I made a huge mug of hot cocoa and got caught up on my Bible study. I watched a little tv. I read my book. I had time to blog, yay! I realize cleaning and doing stuff around the house might not seem like a very fun day, but it was just what I needed today. I feel like I accomplished a lot. It was so peaceful and relaxing not to be on a schedule. I didn't have anywhere to be at a specific time or anything pressing due; instead, I got stuff done at my own pace. It was wonderful!
Bible and hot chocolate- a great end to my day! |
That sounds great! I am planning on having my own Spring cleaning day soon ;)