I wasn't doubting it. I believe with all my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Instead I was wondering why. Was it absolutely necessary? When Jesus died, he paid the penalty for all of our sins, so at that point he cleared the way for us to enter into a relationship with God. The work was done on the cross. So was the resurrection just a nice touch? Or is it absolutely vital to our faith?
I'm pretty sure every Christian would tell you it's absolutely vital. I believe this myself. But suddenly I just couldn't put my finger on why. My first thought was that God proved his power and sovereignty when Jesus conquered death. This is awesome and wonderful, but it doesn't really answer the question. God would still be just as powerful had he chosen not to show his power over life and death. He would still have the ability to raise Jesus from the dead, whether or not it was displayed for us to see.
Well then, was it so we could see his power? So we could realize God's in control of everything? So we could have hope? All of these are good reasons, but none of them are necessary reasons. Maybe I'm splitting hairs here, but I really wanted to find a solid reason that the resurrection HAD to happen. Why is it so central to our faith?
I searched for an answer and eventually found what I was looking for.
Jesus' death on the cross provided the only possible payment for our sins.
His resurrection proved that God, the Father, was satisfied with the payment for our sins.
The resurrection had to happen to indicate that we were made right with God. God showed us that he accepted Jesus's payment on our behalf. Christ died for our sins, but now he's alive with God. And if we believe- if we follow Christ- the same thing will happen to us. We'll die to sin, but we'll be alive to God in Christ Jesus.
It's a beautiful representation of the Christian life. We have to die to our old self; we must be crucified just as Christ was crucified. When we die, we are freed from sin's power. But that's not the end of the story. Because God accepted Jesus's payment- because it was enough, once and for all, to satisfy God's wrath- we can live a new life. We are resurrected just as Christ was resurrected. "Dead to sin" is only half the message. We are also "Alive in Christ".
Not only does the resurrection prove that God was satisfied, but it proves that Jesus WAS God. If He was not, He was a liar. If he was a liar, how can we believe anything He said, anything his followers said, or anything from a group (the church) who follows Him? How can we believe a book (the Bible) that says He is God without the Resurrection? Just some extra reasons why it is SO vital to our faith ;)