I have noticed an attitude among teenagers recently that is really disturbing to me. In facebook posts and conversations I frequently see and hear comments like these:
"You can't tell me what to do"
"I'm going to make my own choices"
"I'll worry about me and you worry about you"
"It's my life and I'm going to live it my way"
I think in this age of independence, people want to feel autonomy in their choices. But I also think there's a danger in taking it to these extremes. Basically all of these comments boil down to two misconceptions. First, "it's my life" and secondly "you don't have a right to interfere". I want to look at both of these statements and give a brief explanation about why this kind of thinking is not only un-true, but detrimental to one's well-being.
It's my life". Your choices never affect only you. They affect everyone around you, sometimes in ways you never expected. Sometimes the consquences ripple out like a wave and hurt people you never meant to hurt. Although, if you're so busy making your own selfish decisions and never thinking of anyone else, you probably don't realize it. Also, if you're a Christian, your life is
not your own. You were bought at a price. You belong to Jesus. In the end, everyone will be accountable to God, not to themselves.
No one else has a right to interfere in my life". I see this kind of attitude all the time and it makes me sad. First of all, I want to make it clear that I think people have a right to privacy. No one wants some busybody interfering in their life all the time. At the same time, it's foolish to go through life without allowing advice and input from others. I think close friends and family not only have a right, but an
obligation to provide you with guidance, support, and counsel when they feel it's neccessary. Sometimes the people who love you can see things more clearly than you do yourself. Instead of getting mad and dismissing their advice as interference, maybe you should stop and actually listen to what they have to say. They may not be right all the time, but they love you and are only trying to help.
Personally, I get upset when friends sit back and do nothing- when they see someone they love about to enter a dangerous situation, or make a bad decision, and they don't feel the need to say or do anything. I think a lot of people are afraid of rejection or an angry response if they try to step in. It's sad that people are too independent to let their close friends care about them.