August: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Across the Universe

Across the Universe is a sci-fi book about a girl who is cryogenically frozen and wakes up hundreds of years in the future on a spaceship bound for another planet. The book was imaginative and suspenseful, although it was a little annoying that it took about 100 pages for the girl to wake up. It had some good twists and it was interesting enough that I want to read the next book in the series. Rating: 3/5
September: The Shack, Rebecca
The Shack was interesting. It's about a man whose daughter is kidnapped and murdered, but the story's not really about that. Instead, it's more of a theological discussion about pain and suffering. The book addresses some important topics with a different perspective, including the presence of evil and how God can allow horrible things to happen to good people. But some of it was a little boring and I didn't research it to find out if it was completely Biblically sound. Rating: 2/5
I have to admit, I didn't finish Rebecca, although I plan to soon. I had to return it to the library before I was done and then I got busy with clinicals. The main character in Rebecca is a girl who can't seem to get out from Rebecca's shadow. I found her wimpy and frustrating. The book is kind of dark and slow paced and I'm not really sure if I like it all that much. However, judgment will be withheld until I finish the book.
The Shack was interesting. It's about a man whose daughter is kidnapped and murdered, but the story's not really about that. Instead, it's more of a theological discussion about pain and suffering. The book addresses some important topics with a different perspective, including the presence of evil and how God can allow horrible things to happen to good people. But some of it was a little boring and I didn't research it to find out if it was completely Biblically sound. Rating: 2/5
I have to admit, I didn't finish Rebecca, although I plan to soon. I had to return it to the library before I was done and then I got busy with clinicals. The main character in Rebecca is a girl who can't seem to get out from Rebecca's shadow. I found her wimpy and frustrating. The book is kind of dark and slow paced and I'm not really sure if I like it all that much. However, judgment will be withheld until I finish the book.
October: none
November: noneDecember: Reached
Reached was the final book in the Matched trilogy. I had a lot of expectations for this book... and I was kind of disappointed. The first book in the series was so good! The second one had a bit of that second-book-lag, but it was still interesting. The main characters discovered some important questions in the second book that needed to be answered. The third book could have gone in so many different directions- with the mysterious test tubes, the Rising, and the relationships among the main characters. Instead, the final book became about the Plague that was affecting people in the Society, and a race to find the cure. It was an okay book, just not what I was expecting. I think the final book could have ended in a half dozen ways that would've been more exciting. Rating: 3/5
Overall, I read some great books in 2012! Here are some I plan to read in 2013:
-A Million Suns (the sequel to Across the Universe)
-Fade and Gone (sequels to Wake)
-Unbroken (I've been wanting to read this one for awhile and haven't yet because it's a book that needs my full attention. I've heard it's amazing and it's my mom's favorite book.)
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