Thursday, December 1, 2011


Since getting back from Thanksgiving break, I've felt a little out of sync. I've had some trouble getting back into my routine. I had been doing really well with getting up early to do a devotional and work out, and now it seems that I can't wake up as early as I could before. I've still managed to do my devotional every morning, but I've been tired and I don't have as much motivation as before. I wonder if this is the devil trying to discourage me? Or if it's a sign that I need to have more balance in my life.

I usually have a lot of enthusiasm for things when I first start them, especially when I plan a new schedule. So when I first started this new routine I was really excited about it. But I also tend to get obsessed with things. I'll be really into something for awhile, then it's on to the next thing. I don't want my relationship with Jesus to be like that! I don't want to be really committed and fired-up for a time, then fall away again. So I'm continuing to have my quiet time every day, but still struggling to find a balance among all the things I want to fit into my life.

Sometimes I would love just to spend time with God all morning, but I have to put my journal down and get ready for school. Sometimes schoolwork becomes my biggest time-consumer, but I still want to set aside time to spend with God. Sometimes my workout/running/word-games-on-facebook/blogging becomes a big passion and I obsessively spend lots of time on those things for awhile. I wish I could find a balance and make time for all the things I enjoy on a regular basis. I'm trying to set up some new goals so that I'll be able to do this. Some of my ideas are:
  • Cut out time-wasters (things that I don't even really enjoy that much, but I spend lots of time on anyway)
  • Stop procrastinating (because that leaves no time for the things I enjoy)
  • Plan time for the things I love.
Simple, really. But easier said than done!

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