- Run a marathon - Check!
- Read 12 books (one a month) - Check and Check! I did read 12 books this year, although not quite one a month. I got busy during my clinical and didn't read any books in October or November, but I made up for it by reading a lot of books in the summer.
- Become a member of my church - Fail. I've been in and out of Richmond so much this year, it was hard to go to church consistently. I want to join my church as soon as I'm back in Richmond more permanently.
- Eat more fruits and veggies - I was really good about this in the beginning of the year. I ate a lot of the Steamfresh vegetables and tried to include veggies with more of my meals. Then I got into bad eating habits again for a few months. Recently I've been eating a lot of salad and loving it! The secret for me was to add a few toppings (like cheese and cranberries) and now I find I actually look forward to a salad for lunch!
- Run a sub-2 hour half marathon - Check!
- Drink more water - I love my Camelback water bottle and having it around has helped me with my resolution to drink more water. However, I still find that I forget to drink water throughout the day unless I have my water bottle right next to me.
- Read through the New Testament - Fail. I haven't read my Bible at all in the past few months.
- Memorize James 1 - Fail.
- Do outdoor activities at every opportunity - I'm counting this as a check, but I didn't do all that I wanted to do. This year I want to go on more hikes!
- Discover more of what Richmond has to offer - I saw the Botannical Gardens, went to Bryan Park a couple times, and went on runs through different parts of Richmond with the MTT, but next year I would love to do even more around Richmond. I missed out on some cool special exhibits at the VMFA and next year I really want to do the Tacky Lights Tour!
As for my other goals, most were partially met, although I think I was hoping for more when I wrote them. It's no surprise that the two goals I'm most proud of are related to running. This has been an awesome year of running for me! The crowning achievement was running my first marathon. It was such an amazing experience!
All in all, this last year of being a student has been pretty great. Stay tuned for 2013 Resolutions!