Sunday, April 14, 2013

Getting Lost

Saturday was a day of getting lost for me.

First, I went on a long run in the morning and got ridiculously and hilariously lost. I had mapped my route, but all the roads were completely new to me. I had to modify my route as I ran due to heavy traffic and no sidewalk on one road, but thought I was good because I ended up back on course. But then I proceeded to turn down Forest Rd and run a LONG way before I realized my mistake. I had the GPS on my phone, but it was only semi-working. It showed me that I was off-course, but the map wouldn't load to show me how to get back on course. I kept turning left hoping to find a street that would connect back to my route!
On the left is the route I planned, but on the right is what happened. You can see around Skipwith Rd, I started running in circles trying to find my way back to Parham Rd. I ended up going an extra mile (walked it because I was dead tired) and got burnt. Not the best time for a sunburn because I had a wedding to go to that night!

I drove to Maryland for the wedding and couldn't find the hotel. Finally made it to the hotel, got ready & changed clothes, and drove to the wedding site.
I got lost again and ended up at the wrong part of the harbor. I ran into some other guests who had done the same thing, and they gave me a ride over to the right place. I made it just in time for the ceremony!
You can really see my sunburn in this picture. Whoops. The wedding was so much fun! The reception was in a big tent next to the harbor. It was beautiful! I had a great day even though I spent so much time being lost!

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