Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Combatting Laziness

I finally went on a run this morning after not running for almost 3 months. It was so incredibly hard to drag myself out of bed at 5:45 this morning. Then I kept dragging my feet getting ready. But once I took the first few steps out the door, I already felt victorious! Three miles is easy after the first three steps.

I've realized that I have the tendency to be lazy. I'd rather just sit back and take what comes than be proactive about getting stuff done. I have difficulty initiating new things. Once I start something, I have a certain tenacity and determination to get it done (one example: I once spent hours on an impossible calculus problem long after everyone else had given up).

My problem's always been beginning. I seem to lack the motivation to get started. It's hard for me to get going in the morning, but hard for me to go to bed on time if I'm working on something. I have trouble keeping in touch with friends, because it just never occurs to me to initiate messages and calls. However, I'm pretty good about following through once plans are made.
I'm a good finisher, but a terrible starter.

The big problem is that you can't finish anything unless you start it! I'm trying to find ways to combat my natural laziness and get myself in gear. Some tips I've found on the internet:
-Change your mindset from passive to active
-Remove temptations to be lazy (TV, computer)
-Get things done now instead of later
-Surround yourself with motivated people
-Positive self-thought
-Break down tasks into smaller steps
-Visualize yourself performing/accomplishing task

My favorite advice is from Nike: Just do it. Def something I need to learn- stop overthinking, analyzing, feeling, and making excuses- and just get 'er done.

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