Saturday, December 7, 2013

My First Crossfit Experience

I went to my first Crossfit class 3 days ago. We started out with a warm-up, did a few dynamic stretches, then went over the proper form for squats, push-ups, and pull-ups. The main workout was a half-Cindy: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats as many times as we could in 10 minutes. I managed to make it through 5 rounds, using a band for the pull-ups and I started coming down on my knees for the push-ups. For the last round, I needed 2 bands to do the pull-ups and I was practically falling on my face for the push-ups. I was pretty tired and sore by the end.

Three days later, I can not move my arms above my head. My triceps and lats were hurting so bad today I had to prop my arms on pillows on the couch and try not to move at all. My pecs and abs are somewhat sore (it kind of hurts to laugh or take a deep breath) but I'm used to how that feels since I've overworked those muscles before. The triceps/lats soreness has really knocked me out. It really sucks not to be able to lift my hand to my face without pain. I can't brush my teeth, or eat, or drive, or open a door without my muscles screaming at me. I couldn't fall asleep last night because it was hard to find a position where my muscles weren't in agony.

My initial thought after Crossfit was that it was fun and a good workout, but I was going to be sore. If I had known exactly HOW sore, I definitely would have taken it a lot easier. I've been known to push it to my limits, especially if I have a trainer/coach looking on and someone else to compete with (both were true at Crossfit). But since I rarely work out my arms, doing so many push-up and pull-ups was a VERY BAD idea. I wish I had started out with a little more basic strength before starting my month-long membership.

Overall, I still like the concept of Crossfit as a total body workout. The workout was short and fun and definitely worked my muscles. The problem is that so many of my muscles are sore, I haven't been able to do anything for the past 3 days. Even my job suffered. Day 3 has been the worst so far; I'm hoping I start to feel better after this. I'm looking forward to taking another class (and taking it easier) once I feel able to do it again. I just can't wait for this muscle pain to end, because honestly I don't ever remember being this sore in my entire life!! (that includes post-marathon!)

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