Sunday, December 22, 2013

Prison Break

I feel like I crawled out of a cave today. That's because, for the last two weeks, I've been obsessively watching Prison Break with every minute of my spare time.
It's one of those shows where almost every moment is riveting. You never know what's going to happen or who's going to die next. The plot twists and double crosses kept me guessing the whole time. There's a sense of peril that compels me to watch "just one more episode" because I can't stand the suspense!

I've spent the past two weeks in Michael, Lincoln, and Sara's world, watching them face everything that was thrown at them; seeing Michael maneuver through every dire situation. It's been really cool to watch a show where the main character is the one who's always one step ahead, trying to stay ahead of law enforcement (prison guards, cops, FBI) instead of the other way around.

The characters are what really make the show. I loved Michael. He's not just a genius with a plan to break out of prison- he's clever, charming, empathetic, stoic, and flexible at the same time. I loved Linc- the self-described "brute" who always had his brother's back. I loved Sucre, Michael's loyal buddy. I liked Sara and Mahone, even T-Bag and Gretchen for what they added to the story and how their characters evolved.

There were so many good things about the show, along with a lot that made me mad, but it was an exciting journey. Throughout all four seasons, the characters grew and changed, but for the most part remained true to themselves (I'm finding this to be rare in TV shows now- characters are so inconsistent and make dumb, irrational choices). I loved the brothers' relationship that remained strong and steadfast to the end, and all the other friendships that Michael made along the way.

The finale was both terrific and terrible. There was a definite conclusion that wrapped up most loose ends, but the ending was bittersweet and had me bawling my eyes out. It's been awhile since a show did that. And it wasn't just an emotional ploy. The ending made sense, with the characters coming full circle in a lot of ways. I was heartbroken because I believed it. It made sense with the storyline and the character's personality, but I still didn't want it to be true because I loved the character so much.
All I have to say is, I'm glad I got to spend the last few weeks watching this amazing show. Even though it's meant late nights, tired days, and an emotional roller coaster; it was well worth it all.

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