Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Closing the Chapter

I haven't talked about my job much on the blog. Mostly because I deal with job stuff every day and this blog is a chance to focus on other things. But it's time for an update! I'm nearly finished with one year of full-time working. However, in a few weeks I'll be leaving this job and taking advantage of some other opportunities.

Like any job, my first job has had its ups and downs. The first few months were the hardest because working full-time was a big adjustment, and I was studying for the boards. The last few months have been stressful because we got a new manager and had a big turnover of staff, which resulted in the rehab department being understaffed for a few months. I was the only supervising PT, so I was working long hours every day to get everything done. It really wore me out.

I put in my two weeks notice, and my last day was supposed to be Friday, but my company asked me to stay on for two more weeks to supervise and train the new staff. I already had a moving date set, but they offered to put me up in a hotel. I agreed to stay until the end of the month to help them transition. So here I am at a hotel for the next two weeks finishing up this chapter in my life, and getting excited for the next one.

My plans after this:
1) Take some time off. I've been working very hard the last few months and putting in a lot of overtime, so I need a break.
2) Travel PT. I want to take advantage of this time in my life to travel to different places and practice PT in a wide variety of settings. I'm excited to try working on a short-term basis and to experience new cities.

I'm really excited for this summer, as I get a much-needed break and plan for the next adventure!

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