Thursday, September 17, 2015

Crossfit continued

I went back to Crossfit again a couple times, but I was really busy and only went once each week.

First week: Again, this is the kind of workout I really like. Lots of variety. I can actually get my elbows to my knees now! (but still can't get toes to bar). The hardest part of this was the box jumps- I actually got winded after doing 12, even though I think I'm fairly good at box jumps.

250m row
12 box jump (24/20)
9 slam balls (40/25)
6 Toes to Bar
Rest 1 min…

Second week:

WOD: 5 Rounds For Time
30 Double-Unders
30 Sit-ups
30 Squats

Oh boy. I didn't think this workout would be that hard. It wrecked me. I did this two days ago and my quads are so sore I'm having trouble walking, especially going up and down stairs (I've been this sore before, but only after a half marathon or marathon!). I was going to go hiking in Yosemite and I couldn't go because I'm literally having trouble moving. My abs are sore too.

This workout was deceptively easy, but the amount was just too much. The squats were unweighted air squats. I can do a lot of squats. The total amount of 150 didn't seem too bad at the time, but now I'm feeling it, and I don't want to be this sore because of squats! (If it was due to a race, okay). Doing 150 sit ups was also a lot.

So now I'm unable to work out for a few days because I'm too sore. It's frustrating. I'm kind of mad about this workout!

I want to try Crossfit some more when I get back to Lynchburg, but I really have to be careful about how much I'm doing, and when to limit myself. I want to build up my strength slowly, not tear my muscles down so badly that I can't work out the next day!

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