Friday, October 28, 2011

Wheelchair Antics

Yesterday in my Pediatrics class we watched an amazing video about a boy who does "wheelchair skateboarding". Aaron was born with spina bifida and was in a wheelchair by the time he was 8 years old, but he doesn't let that stop him from doing what he loves. He essentially created his own sport, and was the first person ever to land a wheelchair backflip. Now he uses his influence to help others, which includes being a mentor to a 4 year old boy who is also in a wheelchair.

Aaron's story brought tears to my eyes and it certainly puts my own life in perspective. Aaron has never regretted what he can't do. He doesn't complain about being stuck in a wheelchair. Instead, he uses what he's been given to be the best he can be. It reminded me that God's given us all different talents and abilities. We might not have the same gifts as someone else- and what they have might look better. We can either constantly be discontent with what we're not, or we can make the most of what we have.

ESPN: Breaking Barriers

Oh, yeah and the world's first double backflip in a wheelchair!

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