Saturday, September 22, 2012

My first 20-miler

So, today was the day of my first 20 mile run. I was already nervous about it, and then to make it worse, a few days ago I developed a head cold and runny nose. And then I got my period (TMI? ok, sorry). And then I checked the weather and realized it was going to get up to 85 degrees on Saturday. And then the morning of the run I forgot to check the route and had to blindly follow everyone else because I didn't really know where we were going.

And, and..... and none of that mattered! I had a great run today despite all my misgivings. In fact, during the last few miles I couldn't believe that I was almost done. I kept thinking Was that really 20 miles? I had anticipated taking longer to finish based on my previous runs in the heat (plus stopping for 2-3 minutes at every SAG).

Even with the heat and the stops, I ran 20 miles in just over 3.5 hours. I'm really excited about that because it means I have a good chance of running the marathon in 4:30! Of course my goal is just to finish, but I don't want to be out there running for an excessive amount of time either. My target time is around 4.5 hours based on my pace and my times for half marathons.

I really hope the marathon goes as well as my run did today. I can't even tell you what I was thinking about, really, or what I felt like at each mile. I guess I was zoning. I love it when the miles just keep rolling and I'm not even fully aware of it. It's not that it's any easier physically - I got a headache at one point, I remember sweat was dripping into my eyes a lot, and some of the hills were tough. However, it's definitely easier mentally when I let my mind wander and just run.

After having a not-so-good 18 mile run two weekends ago, this was nice. It was a confirmation that I can do this. My legs can handle the miles. I can maintain proper hydration and energy (I've had some trouble with this before). I am mentally tough. I am finally to the point in my training where I feel like I can handle this - all the miles, the early mornings, and the tough runs have led to this moment, where I know, deep down inside, that I will be able to run 26.2 miles. Bring on the marathon.

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