After reviewing my resolutions for 2012, I just have a few goals for 2013. A lot will be happening in my life in the next year. I'll be graduating as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, taking the PT boards, finding a job, moving (again), and hopefully will start working as a full-time physical therapist! I don't want to put extra stress on myself by coming up with a long list of things that will be difficult to fit in. Mostly, these goals are to help me make sure I'm paying attention to all the other parts of my life, not just academics. I need to remember to take breaks and de-stress every once in awhile.
Goals for 2013
1. Run another marathon.
2. Go on at least 3 hikes on 3 different trails.
3. Join the VMFA and see at least 2 different special exhibits.
4. See the Tacky Lights next Christmas.
5. Continue reading through the New Testament.
Upcoming events in 2013
Job Search/ Find a Job
Find an apartment/ Move - March 1
Graduation - May 11
PT Boards - July 24
I can't believe you are already graduating THIS YEAR!!!