Saturday, April 24, 2010


When my week is totally crazy and I have a ton of stuff to get done, I can't wait for the weekend to finally get here. It seems like my week is so jam-packed, but when Friday finally comes, the whole weekend stretches before me like a big sea of time and space. I can fill it however I want and I can catch up on everything that I've pushed off. Yet somehow this hardly ever happens. Where does my weekend go?

On Thursday, I made a list of homework assignments that I wanted to work on this weekend, thinking that I'd space them all out and get a little bit done each day (while still having time to relax and hang out with friends). How much have I accomplished? That would be 0/8. Where does the time go? How does that endless sea become a running river that sweeps by me so fast I hardly have time to blink before it's gone?

I don't know, but I do know that I've had a great weekend so far, despite getting little on my list accomplished. I've gotten to sleep in, spend time with friends, even play some board games. Tonight I'm going to the movies. I guess that homework will be getting done on Sunday, as per my usual routine. Hey, you can't expect too much from me. I'm in college.


  1. And now, it's Sunday. You are in my room watching Up. How much did we actually get done this weekend? ;)

  2. Well in the post I was taking about last weekend. This weekend, I thought I did a little better! Hmmmm, wait... pool and movie on Friday, frisbee golfing and dinner on Saturday... haha maybe not.

    I did get a lot accomplished on Sunday afternoon!
