Sunday, February 13, 2011

Odds & Ends

  • I had a great weekend. Tristan came to visit again, and we always have fun together! We went to Zumba on Saturday morning, which was a really great workout. We're both trying to get in shape this semester. Speaking of which, I think I'm going to sign up for a 5k in the near future. I've wanted to run a 5k for awhile, and I think if I have a goal like that in mind it will be easier to stay motivated to work out. Plus, I want to get a cool t-shirt. Richmond has lots of races that happen all the time, so I just need to find one that I can register for. There's one March 5, but I don't know if I'll be ready that soon.

I went to Sunday school and church today, and it was nice to see some familiar faces and have people come up and say "hi". This was my third time going to Grace church, and I like it more every time! I'm going to start going to a young adult Bible study on Monday night. I'm really excited to get together with other Christians and have some fellowship time. I've already met a couple of people at Grace, and they've all been really nice.

  • The weather in Richmond has been so nice lately! I can't wait to be able to do stuff outside again without freezing. I want to play tennis when it gets warmer, and go for runs outside, and be active outdoors! I also want to explore more of Richmond. Tristan and I tried a new restaurant this weekend. It was a little diner/bar called F.W. Sullivan's. We both got specialty burgers, and they were delicious! I like the quaint city restaurants that aren't part of a big chain. This week I also discovered a park close to my apartment that has a frisbee golf course, so I'm going to have to try that out when the weather gets warmer.

I might be getting a new car soon. My brother Kyle crashed his car a week ago and my parents have been trying to figure out what they're going to do. In the end, they suggested that I sell him my car and get a new car for myself (new to me; it will be a used car). I wanted my next car to be a little bigger, so we're looking at the Toyota RAV4, the Honda CRV, and similar models. My parents are going to help me pay for it and I'm going to pay them back. It's 2 years earlier than I had planned on getting another car, so I'm excited! I'll miss my little Seabiscuit though. He's been through a lot and he's been pretty reliable.

  • Finally, I had my first clincal on Friday, and it was exciting! I got to see all kinds of patients in the ICU and acute care. I got to see Luke, the PT, set up a wound vac (the wound was gross/cool- you could see muscles and tendons and everything!). I got to see a whirlpool treatment for a wound with necrotic tissue. We did an eval on a foreign patient with a schizoaffective disorder, which was interesting to say the least. She was in a Posey bed, which is an enclosed bed (a type of restraint that requires a Dr's order every 24 hours). Seeing Luke do his job made me want to be a real PT right now! I can't wait to get out there and be able to treat patients and do evals and put my knowledge to good use. Although I still feel like I know next to nothing. Guess I better hit the books.


  1. we should so try to do the run I posted on your wall. Didn't you think it looked fun?

  2. Yeah, it looks like a lot of fun! I forget what date it is though.
