Friday, May 13, 2011

Finals are over!

I'm done with my first year of PT school! I can hardly believe it. I knew it would go by fast, but I didn't think it would happen this fast. Time is fascinating to me, because each week seemed to drag on, but now at the end of the semester it seems like it was short- like I couldn't possibly be done with my first year already! It feels great to be 1/3 of the way there and to have a lot of core classes under my belt. I didn't do as well on all my finals this time; I now have a couple of B's and my 4.0 is ruined forever- but you know what? I'm okay with that.

I decided this semester that I want to make time for some things that are really important to me. Devotions, exercise, and friends are the top three things that I want to make a priority. I've realized that sometimes an A isn't worth it. I could study a lot more than I do and get an A, or I can leave time for some fun in my life and be happy with a B. I remind myself of this constantly, because the overachiever/ perfectionist in me wants to get perfect grades on everything. But I'm tired of being stressed out and working so hard all the time. I'd rather have a life outside of school! I'd rather enjoy myself and make time for other important things besides studying. I need to find a good balance.

I have some goals for the summer to help me focus on some things that I've been neglecting.
  1. I want to do my devotions 5 times a week (I'm doing a Beth Moore study book, and there are 5 lessons for each week).
  2. I want to exercise 4 times a week (every other day) at least.
  3. I want to start eating healthier. This includes drinking more water, eating a fruit or vegetable every day, and eating less chips and snacks.
This summer I also plan to hang out by the pool a lot (hopefully I'll get a nice tan), read some good books, and plan a few trips to see my friends. I'm looking forward to a relaxing and enjoyable summer break! I have my clinical for the first 6 weeks of the summer, but at least I won't have to study.

A picture from last summer- tan and happy!

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