Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesdays are the best

I love Tuesdays because it's the one day a week I don't have to go to my clinical. Of course, I get the weekends off too, but it's nice to have a day off during the week to catch up on stuff. The weekends always seem to get filled with fun things (and lots of rest because I'm tired by the end of the week) but Tuesdays are for being productive. I got a lot done on my to-do list today. I did my grocery shopping for the next two weeks. I went to David's Bridal for a dress fitting and left my bridesmaid dress there to get it hemmed. I got to sit by the pool for a couple hours (it was brutally hot today). I even had time to go get a free cupcake from Carytown Cupcakes, a cute little cupcake shop that just opened up in Richmond.
Kir Royale- the free cupcake I tried today! It's a champagne cupcake with raspberry buttercream.
I ended the day by going to get a pedicure with my friend Meike. Then I went to her apartment and hung out with her and some other PT friends. We sat out on her porch and shared stories from our clinicals. It's so relaxing to have a day to do whatever I want! I'm glad that my clinical is part-time so that I have a free day, even though it means I'll be at my clinic two weeks longer than anyone else. I had such a great day today, and I feel like I accomplished some chores that needed to be done. I can't wait for my clinical to be over so I can enjoy my summer!

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