Tuesday, April 24, 2012


In my last post, I blogged about how I've been feeling really tired lately. I finally figured out what's wrong. It's my bed. Somehow, no matter how tired I am, I toss and turn for hours before finally falling asleep. I can never seem to get into a comfortable position or get my pillows just right. Yesterday I woke up feeling more tired than when I first went to sleep. It put me in a grumpy mood all day.

Something had to change. Last night I was determined to get a good night's sleep. I remembered how well I slept in college, even though I had the top bunk and had to curl up against the wall. I decided to try sleeping on the extra mattress on the floor in my room. Maybe I sleep better knowing there's a wall on the side of the bed?

OMG. I woke up feeling somewhat rested! For the first time in months. It felt so good, I wanted to cry. I'd truly forgotten what a good night's sleep felt like. I felt awake and alert during class instead of struggling to focus. I felt like I actually had enough energy to make it through the day. I don't know why it took me so long to figure out that I wasn't sleeping well on that bed. I guess I just always attributed my exhaustion to something else.

Anyway, all of this made me realize how important it is to get enough sleep! When I was physically tired, everything else in my life started to suffer: my spiritual life, my exercise routine, my schoolwork, and my social life. I was seriously starting to think I might be clinically depressed! Today I feel so much better after just one night of decent sleep!

My message to everyone else is to take care of yourself physically. Sometimes the physical body is the last thing Christians worry about or think about, but it's important and it can affect other areas of your life. Make sure you get enough sleep each night, drink enough water, and eat enough fruits and veggies. Make time to exercise and to get outside in the fresh air for some vitamin D. Be healthy! You'll get so much more accomplished if you take care of yourself first.

1 comment:

  1. When I've slept in your bed before, I toss and turn too! And usually opt for the couch! Never put it together though. The extra mattress is comfy! I just caught up reading your blog. I miss you even though I just saw you. Let's plan something soon.
