Sunday, November 7, 2010

Surprise visit

This weekend, the social chair of my class planned a special event for Friday evening. He called it a "case race" and it involved teams of people traveling to different houses and bars and consuming a set amount of beer at each place in an effort to win. Since I can think of plenty of things I'd rather do than chug beer and run around Richmond drunk, I didn't participate. In fact, I was a little shocked that the social chair of our class would plan an event like that. Not only is it unprofessional and silly, it gives our class a bad reputation. To top it all off, a bunch of people from my class also went to a tailgate on Saturday, so they basically spent the weekend being drunk.

Luckily, Tristan surprised me by coming to visit! She called me Friday night wanting to know if it would be okay to drive here on Saturday and spend the weekend. And of course I was super excited to spend time with her again! I got some studying done on Saturday before Tristan got here so that I could enjoy the rest of the weekend. We had so much fun together. We spent a lot of time at Short Pump this weekend, which is becoming one of my favorite places around Richmond. The West End is just a very nice, pretty place with lots of fun places to shop. We looked at some townhouses there one day, just for fun, and I fell in love with them. I really want to move there after I graduate, and commute into Richmond to work. I think it would be good for me to work in a city at first so I can gain a lot of experience, but I don't want to live in the city after I'm done with grad school.

Tristan and I went to see "The Town" one night, and it was an awesome movie. It's about bank robbers in Boston, and it was based on the fact that Charlestown (a neighborhood in Boston) churns out a high number of bank robbers. It was very reminiscent of "The Departed" and "What Doesn't Kill You", which are two other movies about crime in Boston. The movie was so well acted. I loved Ben Affleck in it. He's gotten a bad rap, but he was a great actor in this movie (and pretty ripped too, I might add!) We also watched "How To Train Your Dragon", which is another movie I highly recommend!

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